What we Offer

Security Architecture Design

Your security is reliant not only on your infrastructure, but a range of practices throughout your business. For example, there would be no point in an advanced infrastructure if a criminal could simply walk into your office and plug in a malicious USB without restriction. Antanas will assess your goals, and provide the best security measures for them, eliminating redundancies along the way. As a result, you will have an efficient and cost-effective system in place to maximise security across all levels of your company.

Security Infrastructure Design

Although firewalls are an important defence, they must not be relied upon solely. Defensive measures are required across all levels of the company, from the directors to the clients. A functional security infrastructures system demands protection of other components such as servers, storage methods, routers, and switches. Antanas will recommend the best infrastructure tools to suit your business’s needs. We will also evaluate your current systems so that we may bring you new ways to advance your capabilities.

Security Consulting

Businesses are under legal obligation to protect their data, and one simple mistake may come at a great cost. Your business must choose a complete and effective defence, which Antanas can help you achieve. Our specialists will identify your key security risks and serve as advisors. We will give a detailed plan of the designs, policies, compliance metrics and protocols required to protect your assets. We are innovative, keeping our knowledge up to date with current technologies and security standards.

Penetration Testing

With the rapid and continuous development of modern technology, hackers are constantly finding new methods to infiltrate systems and steal valuable data. There are many developing methods of attack, such as wireless and mobile. Criminals are now able to steal data without physical access to networks. Antanas will execute simulated attacks on your business, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and prominent vulnerabilities. A Penetration Test is the most operative method of assessing your defensive capabilities, highlighting fatal errors that you may have missed. You will receive a comprehensive risk assessment with clear guidance on how to protect your data from a range of attack methods.

Our Penetration Testing Assessments include:

Code Review

It is imperative that your code is watertight, as even simple faults can lead to memory leaks, format string exploits, race conditions, buffer overflows, and instability. Poorly defined string validation will lead to data theft and command injection. Your system may also be vulnerable to malware infestation. Antanas offers a code review service that will detect errors, eliminate vulnerabilities, and improve efficiency. We will ensure that your code is used in the correct places for the correct purposes. Code review is an indispensable part of the development process, allowing you to find weaknesses in your software before is it made available.

Firewall Security Assurance

Firewalls are your first line of defence against security threats and must be prioritised as a result. Despite their vital role, firewalls are often subject to many vulnerabilities and misconfiguration. This not only leaves businesses vulnerable to cyber-attacks and viruses, but also damages efficiency and productivity. Poorly configured firewalls will allow any source to submit to any destination without protocol restriction. This leaves systems open to all kinds of malware and must be prevented. Antanas will provide a detailed evaluation of your firewall systems, along with recommendations on how to optimise their service.

Our Firewall Security Assurance services include: